While checking out cnn.com this afternoon (Michael Jackson breaking news), I stumbled upon an article about '10 Things Every Traveler Should Do'. A list and travel? Hello, I'm intrigued! While I don't necessarily agree with #9, you'll get a taste of a menu tailored to the locals at McDonald's in other countries. While traveling, in addition to an independent coffee shop, I always check out Starbucks to see what those outside of Seattle love about it.
Here are the ten things, but check out the full article HERE
1. Savor every moment of your first few hours
2. Embrace the prospect of being a tourist
3. Devour the hotel literature
4. Run an errand for a friend
5. Take in a performance or sporting event
6. Check out a bookstore
7. Ride a bus to the end of the line
8. Read the daily newspaper
9. Go to McDonald's
10. Get Lost
What's on your list?
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