Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hawaii: Big Island

Perhaps it's because I'm tired of the rain in Seattle. Or, just extremely jealous of four friends who are currently basking in the sun on the beaches of Hawaii. It's been a few years since my last visit to Hawaii. It's about time for another visit. In the meantime, I'll relive my first trip to Hawaii, to the Big Island.

I spent Thanksgiving here with my family, almost twenty ago. Our Thanksgiving was spent at Kahalu'u Beach Park, the perfect place to gather friends and family. There's nothing like snorkeling in the morning, a turkey dinner on the beach, and later passing out on the beach from a tryptophan induced coma. During this trip, I discovered snorkeling, and although I've been since, the Big Island is still my favorite. It offers more protected coves and pristine waters to clearly observe the sealife.  Be sure to look out for the humahumanukunukuapua'a, Hawaii's state fish, turtles too!

Be sure to check out Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, the site of an ancient Hawaiian settlement.  This preserved site gives you a glimpse into ancient Hawaiian culture. There is also a sacred temple built near the beach, perfect for reflecting on your trip and the beauty of the islands.

Date of Completion: Thanksgiving, November 1992

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